Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Debt Ceiling or Through the Roof

It's difficult to live in this country right now and not be concerned about the whole debt ceiling discussion. We're seeing more of our political leaders in recent weeks, than in a long time. There are two basic opinions to be had here, either increase the debt ceiling or to not do so. Paying our bills as a nation is the ultimate goal.

The repercussions involved with these opinions have pros and cons that will last years after current leaders are gone. One of the most embarrassing components of this supposed discussion is the fact that compromise seems impossible. Parents teach their children on a daily basis the importance of sharing and patience. This is especially important when they have friends and siblings.

Our politicians can agree that we have bills and that they need to be paid. This seems to be the end of the agreement. Time is running out when it comes to posturing, speeches, and soap boxes. The world, along with our children, is watching!

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