Saturday, August 10, 2019

Top Reasons Pet-Owners Utilize CBD Products

The Speed of Life has us all in a constant state of movement and activity. There are certain things, however, that stop us in our tracks. When our pets are not feeling well or acting like themselves a response is necessary. Everyone knows the importance of a vet visit when these instances occur. There are times when medications are less than a favorable solution.

Alternative products and treats are being used around the world for pets. Dogs and cats with anxiety problems can be treated this way. Pets that have suffered injuries or are battling illness may also be helped with CBD oil products. It’s certainly the pet owners challenge and responsibility to find the right solution to address these concerns.

Here are some of the top reasons that owners consider CBD products:

Resolving Anxiety Problems

Just like many people struggle with bouts of anxiety our pets do as well. You may have noticed a bit of separation anxiety in your dog. In some cases, this is something that resolves itself with time. There are other pets that don’t naturally recover. Some seem to get worse and require something to help them calm down. CBD products are a terrific option for this anxiety.

Combatting Health Issues

Local Frederick County owner of Hive Bake Shop, Rebekah Ontiveros developed The OG brand of dog treats as a solution for her dog Kelso. This is a CBD line of products from her Kinetic Reserve Label. At one point Kelso was suffering from various health issues and was taking 2 doses of human allergy medications daily. After eating the CBD product The OG, he has been medication-free for the past 7 months. This was a positive change in both health and behavior for her pet.

Addressing Physical Symptoms

According to the Canine Journal, pets experiencing an array of symptoms can be helped with CBD products. Some of the most common symptoms that our four-legged friends may suffer from include arthritis, chronic inflammation, and joint pain. Utilizing the proper dosages of treats and other products on the market with CBD oil is important to keep your pets safe and healthy.

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